Monday, November 24, 2008

What is Freedom

I've listened to and read an enormous amount of news and blogs by those that want the same thing as I do. They want peace. They want much smaller and less intrusive governments. They want their concerns heard. In short, they want a voice.
I listen. I read. I post. I pray. And then I wake up to the Reality that Is.
If I told you that I know what the problem really is. If I told you that I know how to solve that problem. Would you believe me?
I will attempt, in this short space, to examine, analyze and report on our major problem.
Our first problem is that regardless of what ideas I have seen, read or heard, they all neglect to see the 'real' problem.
It is not the issue that is burning a hole in your brain. It is not a single issue that will make the world a better and safer place to live in.
It is the ideology that we choose to internalize. An ideology can determine our futures. Got one?
The first thing that I notice when I examine the 'world as one', is that there is not a 'world as one'. It is divided by big governments, who separate themselves from those that either bring fear to them, or that oppose their ideas. And as my mother said "Like people find like kinds". They group together and express their hatred/dislike for the others. Big governments build big armies, navies and great stocks of weapons and weapons delivery systems.
We just left the bloodiest century in recorded history. Want more? It certainly seems that we are continuing to move in the same direction. More on that idea in another posting.
Our economies are falling apart as we all ignore the fact that Economics is the Science of Scarcity. We can't continue to spend more than we make.
More on that on another posting.
One thing is for certain. If we continue to think as we always have, we will continue to get what we always have. And so history repeats itself. The biggest problem with that is that with each repitition the wars get bigger and badder, the economies get worse and worse and the living conditions, whether we measure it by Greenpeace or by scientific or economic standards keep showing its ugly head, and as time goes by, it gets worse and worse.
So Ideology is the core of our problems. So how do we go about making a significant change that will prevent us from repeating the same mistakes?
Let's try examining what the 'root of the problem' is. Some people say that it is money, greed and the support of it by governments. Sounds right to me. But how can we change that?
I am not such an easy guy to please with platitudes. While the above response provides a plausible answer, it does not provide an answer.
Here, in short, is my answer. It is not 'Money" that is the root of all evil. It is 'Force'. Our governments support the use of force by endorsing its use in their armies, and their police forces, and in their legislation which is backed up by fines, punishments and aggression.
Remember the draft? It may not be here now, but how can you guarantee that it will not return? How strong is our support of the very Constitution that protects us? Is our economy in turmoil because our businesses and our CEO's are stupid or too greedy? Perhaps we can all agree that government plays a major role in its hardships.
Ready for the final answer?
Force is the root of all evil. It cannot be money, as money is a commodity that is nuetral and can be 'used' for good or evil. Therefore, it is force that is the root of all evil.
Make using force as the only crime in this world and you will stamp out crime, the growth of evil big governments, and return of self respect to mankind. Let us provide the human being with the means by which the Right to Life will be restored. Freedom therefore, is respect for the life upon this earth. It requires the return to Natural Law, or that which is natural to mankind.
You must back up our Right to Life with laws that support our Right to Life.
Not an elastic, changing thing that our Politicians have made of our guarantte to our Right to Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness provided by our Constitution. But a true guarantee of our Right to Life, earned by our fathers and forefathers through their blood, sweat and tears.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Red, White and Blue

I ask that we all take a moment to understand the difference between a Democracy and a Republic. First of all, we are a Republic. Unfortunately for us, our Politicians who possess Brains of Convenience (BOCs) will do anything to persuade us otherwise. They learned a long time ago that if they can convince us to vote upon issues that they are pushing on us, that the Democratic system will overide the Republican System that we are based on. Our Supreme Court Justices will do nothing. They have resigned themselves to be loyal to those who placed them in office. Strict Constitutionalist no longer exist. FDR saw to it through his court packing scheme that Constitutionalist were weaned out of existence. I talk about the importance of voting in my book "Let Liberty Shine" (available at The most important thing that I teach in that regard, is that we should never vote for the 'Lesser of 2-evils'. Our 2-Party System is a complete failure. They have both sailed to the left side of the pond. They are 2 peas of the same pod. They have abandoned their responsibilities to us and through their BOCs will promise us anything so that they can get elected. The sad part of all of this is that our educational system saddles up to this horse and pony show and creates this misperception of fairness as a good thing. What saddens me is that many of you believe that it is imperative to vote for one of the candidates in order to prevent the other candidate from winning. This is voting for the lesser of 2-evils. Many of our youth, dumb and dumber, are raving mad over Senator Obama. I ask them every chance I get, what it is that they like most about Senator Obama's plan for our future. You can bet that not one of them said I like the idea that he is going to raise our taxes. None of them said that he represented the same old crap that has led this great nation to one of great power to one of great debt. No Sir, they believe he is about change. (Read my post about change). Not one of them understood the message of Congressman Ron Paul. Our economy will be destroyed with this upcoming Presidency. They will continue to bail-out and spend, spend, spend. They will drive our money down the money pit. We have been in constant, chronic inflation, especially since 1971 when Richard Nixon took us completely off the Gold Standard. Our Fractional Reserve Banks (also unlawful) continue to endanger our money by loaning out ten times more than they keep on hand. Our Federal Reserve will continue to print paper money on demand. And when there is too much money chasing to little capital, hyperinflation becomes a possibility. Did you ever wonder why we have had Stagflation over the last few recessions? It is because of all that paper money our FEDRES prints. Warning: We are in great danger. It is too late to stop the damage that our Congress and Senate are doing to our economy. See: for other dangers that lie ahead. Better yet--read my book and Let Liberty Shine!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I Walk the Walk

We need to be able to express our ideas in a way that will have an impact upon those who are blinded by the lemmings of the day.
For those who worship at the liberal alter of the false coming of the false savior, I say to them behold. Truth lies in places least expected. No false promises here. Those of you who have lost sight of who we are have also lost sight of that which is natural to man.
There is an order in the universe. A discordant sound that rings in my ears, brings harmony to my being. From chaos comes within me a chime the bellows sweet rhythm within me. Chaos is my friend. Without it I could not walk, head tall, tongue sharpened by its acid reeking its stench inside my throat. Those that walk in confidence, worshiping at the liberal alter of the false coming of the false savior.
They are the ones who have lost their Right to Life. Unable to conceive that which is natual to man, they sip of the stench their idols heave upon the alter of the false coming of the false savior.
It is time that those who cherish that gift which most have lost, becoming lemmings of those who lie, speak of it unabashedly--we have a gift--and that gift is life--our blood--our bodies--our brains--our ability to choose--our Right to Life.
And since it is our Right to Choose, we must out of respect for our selves, choose to maintain that Right to Life. To fight for that which is granted at birth. To cherish it. To fight for it. To maintain it. There is a Collective Consciousness. Listen carefully and you will hear it. And like a pebble in a pond, the waves will reach your mind. We have a Right to Life.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Is Change Good?

Senator Obama has been talking about change. Is this change he speaks of good or bad for America's future? To answer that let me digress a bit to provide some insight into who Senator Obama is.
First of all, Democrats and Republicans are two peas of the same pod. They both reside on the left side of the pond. They both bless the Central Banks. They both bless the Federal Reserve. They both approved the bailout of failing financial institutions. They both approved of the nationalization of insurance through AIG. They both approve of Supply Side Voo Doo economics. Keynesian theories that have destroyed our economy is their mainstay. They both refuse to recognize the science of economics: Economics is the science of scarcity.
So what does that mean? It means that we have limited resources. It means that the printing presses that produce the paper money that we depend upon as a measurement of our wealth ignore the scarcity part of the equation.
Our Republican Party forgot what limited government means. Our Democratic Party forgot what conservative means. They have moved so far left that I can't tell the difference between them and socialism. In fact, they both (the Democratic and Republican Parties) have shifted so far left that it may be time to rename our country to the United Socialist Republic of America.
What they forgot is that the U.S.A. is not a democracy; rather it is a Republic. It is guided by a Constitution. That Constitution protects the property rights of its citizens. It also guarantees our Right to Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness.
Senator Obama talks about change. Does that change he talks about require the use of force to implement? Will this change he talks about further protect our property rights? Will these changes further protect our Right to Life? Will these changes make us more equal under the law? Will the cost of implementing his ideas be shared equally? Will it be paid voluntarily or will he need to use force to collect the money to pay for it? Does his ideas meet with the limitation placed upon our government by our Constitution? If yes, then do you believe that our Constitution is a living breathing thing that can, like elastic, change its shape and meaning according to the times? It is time that I begin to answer some of those questions.
History has proven that since the beginning of time people were either forced to live under the power and control of other people through governments or chose through their voice which we call voting a government that eventually swallowed the people up whole as they (the government) eventually took total control of their lives, liberty and pursuit of happiness. These governments had ideas and plans that differed from other people's governments. Soon the governments grouped together and separated themselves from others. Tensions mounted as each group wanted what the other had. Wars became necessary. The cycle of time changed nothing as they continued to think as they always had and more wars erupted.
We just left the bloodies century in recorded history. If we continue to think as we always have we will continue to get what we always have. Our history has proven that we cannot continue to think as we always have.
So how do we make change? If we understand that question, then we can answer the first question I ask. Is change good? Based upon what we've covered so far, I believe that it is safe to say that the majority, having followed me up to this point will agree that change, at this time, is necessary. What we haven't come to agreement upon is what change is necessary to reverse the circle of violence which we have created upon this earth.
One thing is for certain: "If we continue to think as we always have, we will continue to get what we have always cultivated'.
It is time in this discussion to insert a clue: "Force is the root of all evil".
Do you still believe that "Money is the root of all evil"? Allow me to disprove that misperception of reality. Money is a commodity. It can be used for good or evil. It is the use of force that converts the commodity from its neutral state to one of force. Force, is the root of all evil.
So what implication does this have on this discussion today? Read on.
I've expressed the concern that our 2-Party System have lost their way. They have led us down the path of death and destruction through their chronic warring. They have also created an economic system that has converted this great country from one of great wealth to one of great debt. The system they support is responsible for putting our country into a state of chronic inflation. I can see nothing good about these changes that they have brought us. I see a need for permanent change. It is not the change that President Elect Obama suggest.
So what type of change do you think we need to make? Let me make it simple for you. We need to move from a government that is empowered to use force at the President and Congress's whim to an occassion that results as retaliation or at a moment needed to protect this nation. It needs to be limited to the protection of our nation. And it needs to recognize that 'Force is the root of all evil". How do we do that? By Amending our Constitution with these words:
"No person, group, organization, or country can force any other person, group, organization or country". I placed that in quotes because it is a quote. Look at the Libertarian Platform. It is also a quote from my book "Let Liberty Shine!". We need to add "and there will be no changes, alterations, or Amendments to the above.
Human beings are brutes. We've proven that in the past and are still proving it today. So how do we tame these brutes. By all agreeing to include the above Amendment into our Constitutions. If you do not have a constitution; then, it is time you create one. We must prevent big governments from becoming so callous that they can declare war when it is convenient to them.
If we can achieve this simple change, we can begin a peaceful time where 'Eternal Peace' becomes a possibility.
Join me in my quest to change the way that we think. It is the only solution. It is the only acceptable change. Now you should know the answer to my first question. Is change good?